Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

popular tree (the Uncertainty)

The popular tree's nature is artistic/Looks very decorative but is not very self-confident/Only courageous if necessary/Holding great animosity, it needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings/While very choosy, is often lonely/A good organizer tending to lead toward philosphy/Reliable in any situation, it takes partnership seriously/
[louis wain]

Friday, June 25, 2010

Think tank for human beings in general.

Listening to Twin Sister and Toro Y Moi. Reading 'Wisdom of the West', a fatty text of the history of Philosophy. Burning a nag champa, procrastinating the slumber ritual of washing my face and brushing the pearlies.

I'm thinking about life as usuall.
calculating life privately
seeker of sheer complexity

I'm looking at my recent purchase
I've read this five times already [link]

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This post covers my views on FaceBook.

All it's for is looking cool.


I want to chill like this with hip friends,
do drugs, and listen to good buzz music.

Wish I could Xpress myself as much as I wanted 2.

Pap smear

Crystal Castles' Pap is the album's Jesus and i love this bro.
He can have all the bangs he wants.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zef Side & Enter the Ninja

Channeling Yolandi Visser


Wish you the best guys!